If you’re at this stage of your hair journey and seeking products to help maintain or gain a healthy head of hair, you’d have heard how important having a hair regimen is. A hair regimen not only helps get your hair from where it is to where you want it to be, it also helps you focus on the goal, save you money and save you time.
Prior to learning what I’m about to share with you, my hair was dry, felt stunted and constantly broke off. During this time I was a product junkie, jumping from product to product, trying to find a unicorn. The thing is, I didn’t know what I was looking for, so even if I’d found it, I didn’t stick around long enough to see if it worked. This resulted in hair that was incredibly unhappy and wasn’t afraid to show it.
Here are the three main things to consider before you start your Hair regimen:
1. What Is My Hair Goal
The first and most important consideration is what you wish to achieve from your hair regimen. If your aim is healthy hair, you won’t mind cutting it to get rid of damage. However, if your goal is length, you will want to do all you can to alleviate damage and if it occurs, you only remove what is necessary.
Knowing your hair goal will help you decide the type of hairstyles you wear, the type of products you use, how often you wash and manipulate your hair and the general day to day care and treatment of your hair. This includes, what to do if you swim in chlorinated water, how you protect it when you sleep or exercise, doing moves such as yoga headstands, how you care for it over the seasons, and so on.
Without a goal, you flounder around, making harmful decisions such as bleaching and permanent colours, swimming in chlorinated water 3 days a week without protection, even if you wear a cap, your edges and nape need protection.
With a goal, you plan for your daily activities with your hair in mind. You respect the care of your hair as much as you respect the rest of your body. A beautiful crown needs to be polished, otherwise its beauty becomes tainted. A good, well planned and executed hair regimen is the polish for YOUR crown.
2. What Is My Hair Porosity
Porosity is another incredibly important factor in knowing how to care for your hair. The hair is built with three layers; an inner layer called the medulla, a layer that engulfs it called the cortex and an outer layer, the part you see, called the cuticle. The cuticle is like the bodyguard or gate keeper, it decides what gets in and what goes out. The porosity of your hair is based on how much of a bodyguard your cuticle is.
You have low porosity if your hair is like the MI5 building, nothing gets in and nothing goes out. It’s medium porosity if it’s like the Houses of Parliament, letting some in whilst turning others away. Finally, if it’s high porosity, it’s like summer in Ibiza, a constant flow, in and out then leaving a mess.
Figure out your hair porosity and find products that will work well with your hair. The gist is, thicker sealing type products for high porosity; this porosity absorbs and releases moisture quickly so using a product that has sealing properties will help keep the moisture in for longer. Medium porosity hair can use light to medium weight products; it absorbs moisture pretty easily and also holds moisture, meaning you won’t need to remoisten the hair as frequently as someone with high porosity. The low porosity hair can use lightweight products, it doesn’t absorb much and the little it does, it will keep it locked away quite easily, your job is to keep the exterior hydrated. Spray leave-in conditioners are perfect for this porosity.
Now, porosity is not the only factor to look at when choosing hair products, you also need to be aware of your hair density. Is your hair strand thick, fine or in between the two. For example, if your hair is fine but has high porosity, you can still use heavier sealing products, however you’ll only need a small amount whilst someone with thick, low porosity hair may need more to achieve a good moisture balance.
If you don’t know your hair porosity, here are three things to look out for:
- Does the product stay on your hair for long after you apply it? (Low porosity)
- Does the product absorb almost immediately as if your hair is drinking it, then gets dry 3 hours later? (High porosity)
- Do you moisturise your hair every 3-4 days because your hair doesn’t really need it? (Medium porosity)

3. Test Products To See How Your Hair Responds
I hope you’re not a product junkie like I was, it’s expensive and only satisfying until after you walk out the store with a bag of products you don’t need. It’s tempting to run out and buy new products when you start a new hair regimen, but I challenge you to use the products you already have, they may be just what you need.
When you try a new product, test it for 6 weeks. You should see a difference in your hair in the first four weeks, however, that change could take up to six weeks. I remember when I started using the Revive Scalp Oil, I noticed a change in my hair texture around 3 weeks, it was soft and the new growth felt like stroking satin. Everyone’s hair is different, so give it time to adjust to new products, unless of course you have adverse reactions, then stop using it immediately.
Creating a hair regimen is easy when you know what to do, I hope the tips above help guide you as you create or recreate yours. If you need help creating one, we can save you time and money by creating a bespoke hair regimen, one that revolves around you. We look at your lifestyle and hair goals then work out a plan you can easily implement and your hair will love. Book your consultation when you’re ready to take your hair to the next level.
Be great x